Advantage of Strength Training
Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis. Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies.
Ei ius inani nostro expetendis, decore assueverit conte vim cu. His erat ridens legimus te. Ad dictas epicurei nam, fabulas accusata.
Ut mel erant apeirian vivendum. Est brute intellgat no. Eum graecis elaboraret no, alia ridens argumentum ea vim. Debet feugiat.
What is Strength Training
Muscle mass is one of the most important factors in the work of metabolism. The more muscle you have, the better your metabolism, because muscle cells consume far more energy than fat. For example, 1 kilogram of muscle tissue daily consumes about 15 calories per day, and 1 kilogram of fat – only about 5. Do you feel the difference?
This means that a person with a large percentage of muscles in the body burns more calories, regardless of whether he is engaged in the gym or lying on the couch. Therefore, the main benefit of weight training for weight loss is improving your metabolism.
Aerobic training is an important element in the system of losing weight. Doing aerobic training, you burn fat. But at the same time you burn muscles. And without the inclusion of strength training in your fitness plan, these muscles are not restored. Roughly speaking, you lose weight, lose weight, but not only due to fat cells, but also due to muscle.
See exercises
See exercises
Note that people in the experiment participated in the most common, without outstanding genetic inclinations. They learned to do strength exercises from scratch and at the initial stage the participants of all three groups were approximately in the same position, if we estimate the percentage of fat and muscles in the body.
This, of course, is not the only experiment of this kind, there have been many of them, but the results of studies from different countries confirm that if only to limit nutrition and not engage in power exercises, the weight reduction is 75% due to fat, by 25% due to muscles.
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